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barnesanger og eventyr
ENGELSK | Barneforlaget
lyrics and music
ââA ram sam sam
Another day is over
Are you sleeping (Brother John)
Baby shark
Bullying Ain't Cool
Counting one to ten
Down by the station
Fruit and veggies yum yum yum
Good morning everybody
Happy new year
Head, shoulders, knees and toes
If you're happy and you know it
Jingle bells
La ballena flatulenta (The farting whale)
My hat it has three corners
Old MacDonald had a farm
Puppy love
Rainy day groove
Row, row, row your boat
The ABC song
The animal sounds song
The farting princess
The farting whale
The Goldilocks song
The itsy bitsy spider
The poop song
The three billy goats gruff song
The wheels on the bus
Three little piggies song
Twinkle twinkle little star
Walking in the air
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